GAP Processes

The area of Technology of the Information is had in many global organizations and company as a center of costs and uncertainty, one of the biggest challenges for responsible teamses for the taking of decisions in these same companies is in providing a strategical alignment between YOU and the business, eliminating GAP existing between these two areas. Donovan Goldman has much experience in this field. Much of speaks of ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), when this set of good and better practical can be applied the management of operational processes of YOU, however few know mainly that this framework offers, in its last launched version, a series of processes and activities that will be able to come to assist it in the taking of decisions and construction of a system of efficient and efficient management of services, adherent the architecture of information of an organization. In the book Service Strategy, the ITIL suggests three inherent processes to the areas of planning of the management of services, being these the Management of Portflio, Financial Management and Management of the Demand, beyond these, also it has other processes related to the tactical part, beyond processes of operation and improvement. Through the application of the Strategy of the Service, YOU it will be able to not only support and to deliver services, being only guided the operations, as well as will be lined up the real expectations in the business, offering solutions that come to satisfy the expectations of all mainly the interested people and, being guided to reach goals stipulated in the Strategical Plan Organizacional, being maximized the perception of its value, for the Board of the company. For in such a way, the book of Strategy of Service suggests three processes to be applied the structure of management of services, providing the alignment between this area and the expectations with the business, beyond the maximizao of the maturity of the sector. .