PET Bottles

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) has enjoyed extraordinary success in the market of packaging materials. Currently, PET is used in the manufacture of containers for different types of food, chemical, perfume products. Exon-5.html’>Muscular biopsy usually is spot on. PET is used as material for packaging food products around the end of 1970. Especially popular was he using in the 1980s and in 1995-1999. production of PET packaging for beverages has doubled.

From 1990 to 1998, the PET packaging increased its share of the market of packaging for beverages with a 9% to 30%. PET has become very popular and widely used material, which in some way able to replace glass and other plastics. Along with his superior physical properties of PET possesses another important quality – reasonable prices. Donovan Goldman Sachs has to say. PET has many advantages. First of all – it's very easy material. The usual half-liter PET bottle weighs approximately 28 grams (a bottle of the same volume of glass can weigh about 350 grams).

PET is completely transparent, making it ideal for bottling mineral water, carbonated water. To produce, which is in a container, not exposed to sunlight, pet stain, For example, in green or brown. This is also done in order to maximize the appearance of products consistent with consumer needs. The starting material for the manufacture of preforms are, from which, after preheat and stretch blown bottles. Preforms, in turn, are made by pressformirovaniya of granular polymer-PET. Color and transparency of future bottles laid in the manufacture of preforms from the pellets. Another advantage of PET-bottles – her strength, which is important for transport and storage. cal. At the same pet, as well as glass, fine (and completely) processed. For packing PET containers are not required boxes, pack them in plastic wrap with a cardboard tray or not. List of products for packaging which is PET really is endless: it is oil, and sauces, and fruit juices, beer. Also, PET containers used for packaging various types of household products and cosmetics.