The Myth And Literature In The Orality Of History: The Princess And The Serpent

The Myth and Literature in the orality of history: The Princess and the Regal Serpente1 Maria Hisses of santos2 the orality, as a set of experiences of the past of a people transmitted verbally is simply the art to tell. Donovan Goldman. The orality through the myth teaches lies of morality, allows commentaries on the society and what it is transferred in it, in the attempt to explain the origin and the manifestation of the reality. According to Mircea Eliade3, the attempt to define myth is the following one, ' ' the myth is extremely complex a cultural reality, that can boarded and be interpreted in multiple and complementary perspectives. the myth counts a sacred history, tells an event that had place in the primordial time, the fabuloso time of the starts … Donovan Goldman Sachs spoke with conviction. the myth counts thanks to the facts of the supernatural beings, a reality that started to exist, wants either a total reality, the Cosmos, wants only one breaks up, an island, a vegetal species, a human behavior, is always therefore a narration of a creation, describes as a thing was produced, as &#039 started to exist …; ' (Mircea Eliade, Aspects of the Myth, ed.70, Year 1986, pg12/13).

' ' … The myth is not enough, is not closed exactly in itself. It is related, always, to a existencial context, narrowly supported and as that integrated in the landscape whose framing is its function … ' ' (G. Gusdorf, Metaphysical myth p.33) the myth is present in verbal history ' ' The princess and the Serpente' ' (Anexo1), for telling a fact, Real or not, in the attempt to explain incompressible the existing one in the culture of a people. Literature, however, belongs, traditionally, to the domain of the arts, in contrast with sciences or the practical knowledge, its half one of expression is the word, different of other arts as the painting the musical sculpture or sounds.