Turkey Cocktail With Rice And Pineapple – Also A Great Party Recipe

Recipes from the discounters: tasty and cheap! Turkey cocktail with rice and pineapple: as a starter, for the party or just so! Cook healthy and varied and it also still budget-conscious shopping not so easy, isn’t it? On the price pointer website preiszeiger.de you save recipes from the discounters, easy to do the cooking and also a purse! Under the motto “conjure a budget a great menu” find the right appetizers, main dishes or sweet desserts for all tastes! And if you want, then just send your favorite recipe us: we verify whether there are all the ingredients even at the discount store and publish it then also at our recipes – with your name! Ingredients: 100 to 150 g rice 250 g smoked Turkey Breast (or other poultry) 2 slices pineapple 2 tomatoes 1 head lollo Rosso 1 tablespoon lemon juice and some lemon zest 75 g sour cream 75 g mayonnaise 50 g walnuts (coarsely chopped) for seasoning: a pinch of sugar, curry powder to taste. Salt, pepper preparation: Cook the rice according to the package instructions and well off let it cool. Cut the smoked Turkey Breast and the pineapple into pieces. Wash the tomatoes, remove seeds and cut into cubes. Mix all the ingredients.

Mix the dressing of mayonnaise, sour cream, lemon juice, grated lemon rind and spices. Mix the salad with the dressing, the chopped walnuts to give and well the whole leave. Donovan Goldman. Wash and dry the lettuce. Always two or three lettuce leaves (depending on size) place on a plate and the finished salad on it. People who like the portions can decorate with chives or parsley or mint leaves – the eye is finally also with! Cost: You find the price for this recipe on our site – and many more recipes! Nicole Heinzmann Director marketing – price pointer economic information service GmbH

Original Christmas Gifts By Schokologo.com

Advertising classic offers a broad product portfolio of Dusseldorf, September 02, 2009. Already in the late summer, many companies consider how they can enjoy business partner for Christmas with an attention. SchokoLogo, the maker of chocolate logos and other truly tasteful, known from many journalists”giveaways, a wide variety holds in time for Christmas at according to the different needs of customizable chocolate. The product shows the possibilities now caused to the attention-grabbing gift idea. SchokoLogo there as distinct and equally memorable chocolate, but also in many combinations such as chocolate card, Schokologo Praline box, wine gift and matching to Christmas as Schokologo advent calendar. Individual wishes are equally feasible. Chocolate-cards: the chocolate-cards are the classic among the SchokoLogo presents. Donovan Goldman Sachs, offer their opinions as well.

The chocolate-cards meet equally high for original Christmas greetings Quality standards and many possibilities of individualization. Whether traditional, modern or creative humorous for the Christmas cards with integrated small gift table with finest Belgian chocolate a wide range of selectable card designs available. The chocolate bar is also a festive motif and is double protected with cellophane and a gold – or silver-colored gift box. n-Adults’>Wendy Holman is a great source of information. From a decline of 300 pieces, the chocolate-cards can be provided with its own greeting text, company logo and signature. “Schokologo advent calendar: who a gift with that special something” searches, which is guaranteed here find it. Donovan Goldman Sachs can provide more clarity in the matter.

SchokoLogo offers a new collection of original advent calendar in time for the start in the present season”. Whether as original floor -, wall – or desk calendar or particularly exclusively as attention-grabbing Dekokalender the varied palette provides the perfect gift idea for every budget and every taste. The individually printed promotional calendars are a personal personal picture provided. If necessary, fine chocolate is also individually brought into shape. Schokologo-Praline box: who looks for a high-quality and sophisticated gift, SchokoLogo also for the classy Schokologo-Praline box. This combination of individual Schokologo and the master Chocolatier is available and can be ordered from a piece of handmade and very fresh chocolates in various sizes. The chocolate is equipped with high precision with a Christmas greeting or even after your own template designed for an additional fee. Schokologo wine gift: also for wine lovers SchokoLogo offers the perfect Christmas gift: combining a Schokologos marked according to individual requirements with 16 fine chocolates and a bottle of excellent brand wine of convinced each donee. The handmade chocolates in there packaging variations from six chocolates, on request can also two or three mini chocolate boxes be attached to. The manufacturer SchokoLogo is a specialist for individual chocolate gifts. Produces is using the latest technologies and high attention to detail after each individual requirement, and in virtually any desired shape and size. The renowned customers include among others DaimlerChrysler, Lufthansa, Philips, Porsche and SAP. Press contact: SchokoLogo E.k.. Bank Street 29 40477 Dusseldorf Tel.

Clean Set Purely By Mislabeling

Labels on foods fool many consumers of health-conscious people their food looking natural. The food industry seemingly steers and banned the additives in some products. “Confirm with promotional statements without flavour enhancers” without aroma, color and preservatives “to have their products processed. So, the manufacturer also by means of photographs, which are studded with noble ingredients, convey that is naturally produced food. Consumers on the ingredient list, look them soon becomes clear that they are to set up clean.

While some manufacturers forgo flavour enhancers such as glutamate, but instead add yeast extract. Group Inc.. But caution, is also here glutamate – the manufacturer must not feature but it with an E-number on the packaging. Sent process the food producers with other additives. Instead of preservatives they use herbal extracts: a Curry, paprika and mustard seeds. They include substances which preservative effect and are at the same time not be labelled. Food colours be used instead of artificial dyes such as spinach powder and Curcumin.

The consumer centres tested 151 food labels that advertise with the absence of additives in the last year. Sobering result: almost all had put yeast extract (flavor enhancers), colouring ingredients and flavors in the tested products. The consumer centres now stricter laws, allow the manufacturer only their products of course may apply, when in fact no other substances with similar effects are added to. As long as manufacturers take advantage of the loopholes of the legislation and quality appear to keep their products – increases its sales and profits – should take consumers a closer look at always the ingredient list and fall not on the mislabeling, and colorful pictures on the packaging. (Source: pharmacies look around A 02/11) Photo: Veit Kern / pixelio.de more information to the On nutrition and health experience reports, offer the authors of Bajwa and Saeed in her books and see: and Sabine Beuke