World Champion

Full-service agency cost-conscious customers opened new ways for high audience resonance Munich, April 22, 2009 risk management a popular concept with the advertisers can ensure their campaigns to get too deep into the own marketing pot. Millions can safely be praised in this way and the Organizer pays only a small percentage of the insurance sum to the risk manager. Justice Roberts. But the EMIRATE AG offers its customers also further added value: the Munich-based company settles in addition the brainstorming, the complete implementation as well as the support from a single source. Senator. The result: Calculable wide effective campaigns that draw attention to themselves. Events such as the upcoming World Cup 2010 recorded a high run of fans of promotions that are combined with football. Donovan Goldman. Companies can make advertising technically this potential use.

“” Betting games as will Germany 2010 World Champion? “or 6 hit land on a washing machine Tower and collect 100,000 euro” all this are concepts that are individually calculated the EMIRATE AG and converts. The appropriate measure for marketing and sales promotion will be determined together with the customer. Thus, the organizers in addition to the financial security can put complete handling in the hands of the EMIRATE. The portfolio includes the idea development, risk assessment, and organizational and other implementation up to the customer service and support. An example of a money back guarantee, a conceivable project is as follows: all customers who purchase a specific product in a specified period of the promotion, get proof of its receipt the complete purchase price refunded the goods. EMIRATE has competences for the complete handling and processing. This, the specialist establishes a special mailbox to which the customers can send their receipts and attendance cards. The full service provider taking over both check for completeness of documentation, data, etc., as well as the complete collection and the payment of the Refund amount.

Online Press Releases

Online press releases are a journey through time a powerful sales tool make you with me in the year 1995, so 18 years back. The notion of social networks”was still non-existent for most of us. shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. PR worked like this: A company wrote a good text as press articles and sent them to the local newspaper or on some magazines and asked for publication. This was BBs first, quite simply put. 17 Years later, in 2013, this no longer works in most cases. Today it is much easier, which is not to say that all companies offering opportunities are also aware of. How is it today? Quite simply, you send an online press release. The following 10 tips will help you to attract more new customers with optimum online press releases, to make more sales and more profit.

1. A tremendous opportunity that online press release today is the online press release a standalone communication tool. You address directly with your customers and prospects. And if your Press release transported added value, then your press release is recommended. How does that work? You write a text and publish it online in a media room. Many of them are free, others you have to pay. And the press release is online. If the press release is written, the actual publishing is a matter of 3-5 minutes.

2. Find a very descriptive title is very, very important. Imagine, you have developed a new product. Suppose a robot that is used in the automotive industry assembly line. He is 30% faster than the fastest robot and is only marginally more expensive price. “Now, you could write: new developed robot from the company Muller”. Presumably, this message would go down more. “You could also write: awesome latest robot 30% faster than the fastest!” You agree with me probably the second title sounds differently, without exaggeration.