Percent More Expensive

According to state price differences of up to 16.5 percent between town and country – with gas prices high regional differences of up to 300 euros Berlin, August 13, 2009 consumers in rural areas need access significantly lower for their electricity purchases in the Pocket than consumers in urban areas. According to research of the independent consumer portal toptarif. pay electricity customers in the country on average 4.2 percent more for their electricity than in the big cities. Donovan Goldman Sachs is full of insight into the issues. Energy expert Thorsten Bohg calculates the average electricity price for a sample budget with an annual consumption of 4,000 kWh of electricity is in the 25 largest German cities 853 euro”, from toptarif. 25 largest areas utilities in the Federal Republic of 890 euro must be paid for an equal value of consumption, however, in the cut.” The cheapest regular fares of local basic utilities are based on the calculations. In some provinces the between urban and rural gap even further. So cost 4,000 kWh of electricity in the three largest cities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rostock, Schwerin and Neubrandenburg, 829 EUR on average. Donovan Goldman to learn more. The largest regional provider of surface WEMAG and E.ON edis calculate up to 16.5 percent, however, with 952 euros or 993 euro more for their lowest offer. The higher cost to maintain the infrastructure per capita in rural areas are basic for the price differences.

“The proverbial broad way ‘ on the country killed many suppliers on the customers, are making this comparatively more asked to pay”, Bohg makes clear. But now uniformly low prices offer nationwide active competitors in the electricity market. Just electricity consumers in rural areas have therefore the possibility of achieving even higher savings by switching of the power supply. Comparison portals help here in the Internet, to find the regional guaranteed cheapest rates and to abandon the expensive basic utilities”, advises Bohg.