Foundation Printers

“This theme are even indoor pollutants ‘ background of this year’s research topic of indoor pollutants” indoors will be increasingly volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulate components from toners (E.g. by printers) and papers and other chemical substances released, leading to deterioration of indoor air quality as well as to adverse health effects, which attributed to exposure to emissions from office equipment, especially laser printers and copiers. In this context is the term Sick Building Syndrome’, which is referred to a symptoms occurring especially in air-conditioned offices, which manifests itself in non-specific symptoms such as mucous membrane or conjunctival irritation, headaches, sometimes allergic symptoms and increased disease susceptibility. Objective of subject of the advertised Franz Daschner scholarship 2009 is the question whether emissions from laser printers, copiers and multi-function devices a health Can pose risks. To the physical and chemical identity of emissions from printers and copiers, as well as their toxic effects on human lung cells must be investigated. This requires appropriate experimental settings. Starting by knowledge, experience, and equipment at the Institute of environmental medicine and hospital hygiene in Freiburg should co-developed a novel 1 m 3 test chamber and be rebuilt.

This concerns in particular a control technology, which automatically regulates very precisely adjusts climatic factors such as temperature, humidity and air exchange. Cellular toxicological measurements for validation of the new system should be carried out upon completion of the development work. The Expose required for the application to contain their own ideas and proposals of the applicant to implement the task. All other information and formalities find for the award of the Franz Daschner scholarship you viamedica Foundation funding guidelines download on the Foundation website can. Please send inquiries and resumes: Foundation viamedica Andrea Droste of Breisach str. 115 b, 79106 Freiburg E-Mail: Prof. Daschner was the founder and long-time Director of the Institute of environmental medicine and hospital epidemiology at the University Hospital Freiburg. Now he operates viamedica emeritiert, but still as Managing Director of his Foundation founded in 2002, that it makes the task to promote science and research in the interdisciplinary field of environmental medicine, hospital ecology and natural medicine. The environmental award winners viamedica continues his life’s work with the Stfitung, to enshrine the “green medicine” in the German health system.