Bioplastic Phones Pollute

Eco enthusiasm of the manufacturer enters the empty Berlin/Bonn / Vienna should be available for environmental protection: mobile phones with housings made of corn starch and potatoes are conquering the market. The magic word is”Bio-plastics. But experts doubt according to a report of the newspaper the world “the usefulness of the substance they deem the eco-balance of the products extremely negative. The allegedly environmentally friendly mobile of world is a Nokia and is partially made of corn. Actually corn starch, because it is the raw material for the Bio-plastics, made the mobile shell of the 3110 evolve from Nokia. Other manufacturers have for the environmentally conscious customers come up with something. Samsung, for example missed his dough model E200 also a plastic made from corn and nicknamed ECO. Fujitsu introduced a laptop recently, its housing consists of a bio-plastic”, so the world.

“Most experts do not share eco enthusiasm of many manufacturers: we face the bioplastics previously skeptical and dismissive”, says Wolfgang Beier of the Federal Environment Agency towards the world. Donovan Goldman brings even more insight to the discussion. So far no one put forward a proper eco-balance, which satisfies all requirements and standards. Hardly a company include all factors in his unofficial LCA. For example the intensive cultivation of maize, potatoes or sugar beet would include, which serve as raw materials. Irrigation, application of pesticides, fertilizers and agricultural machines are in addition in the environmental performance of the company. The transport to come from sugar or corn to Europe.

A more serious problem is that large acreages are necessary to meet the needs of renewable raw materials. The real reason why bioplastics do not meet their green image, lie in the production of the material. The claim that no greenhouse effect through the use of Bio-plastics, as renewable raw materials are continuously formed by sunlight from water and carbon dioxide is scientifically unsound according to experts: the to determine actual environmental impact of packaging, scientists of the ecology must be considered opinion by Christian Pladerer, Institute in Vienna, all relevant environmental impacts along the entire life cycle of the extraction of raw materials – including auxiliary materials and energy, through the transport to disposal.