A Krummel In The Gearbox

House of technology event ‘Power transformers – technical basics, manufacturing, testing, Diagnostics and maintenance’ maintenance of the energy networks is paid more attention again. New orders occur once more by transformers, is just as important but the preservation of the existing transformer Park through a coordinated Diagnostics in conjunction with appropriate measures for the maintenance. “Under the leadership of Prof. Dr.-ing. Donovan Goldman Sachs explained all about the problem. Thomas Leibfried, Institute for electrical power systems and high voltage technology, University of Karlsruhe held the practical seminar on power transformers – technical basics, manufacturing, testing, Diagnostics and maintenance the Haus der Technik”. Practice is mediated expertise ranging from the technical basics, through the manufacturing participants of transformers, up to the final exam of a transformer at the manufacturer. In addition information about all important operational aspects offered, such as operational stress and aging behavior of Transformers; Basic principles of diagnosis and possible maintenance measures are also discussed. The practice-oriented seminar on 30.9.2009 in Essen Haus der Technik is aimed first and foremost to technicians and engineers in the fields of procurement and maintenance of transformers and executives who want to get an overview of the technology and the maintenance of transformers.. .